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Looking for the best book to help you along with your money goals? I just finished reading the most down to earth book that was so easy to understand and relate to – I just had to tell you about it!
The Must Read Book for Money Success!

Love Your Life Not Theirs by Rachel Cruze was such a refreshing read for me! Rachel Cruze is the daughter of Dave Ramsey and has so much knowledge of money habits and how to best use your money to work for you.
A lot of personal finance and money books are very blah and boring or hard to understand. Not this one!
Love Your Life Not Theirs was easy to follow and understand and I actually really enjoyed reading it!
Rachel knows what she is talking about when it comes to personal finance. And she lays out everything you need to do to get where you want to be with your money. It’s a solid plan anyone – in any money situation – can follow!
I highly, highly recommend Love Your Life Not Theirs!
In the book, Rachel discusses the 7 money habits you need for living the life you want. She talks about getting out of debt, saving more money, being a wise spender, saving for retirement, saving for kid’s college and wedding funds, making a budget work for you, making money goals, working with your spouse on your money goals – and so much more.
As I said, it’s a solid plan that works for anyone, no matter what your finances look like today.
And it’s an easy read, easy to follow, and easy to understand what she’s talking about – you don’t always get that with finance books!
I really think you are going to love the book and love the results from reading and following her plan.
Get Love Your Life Not Theirs here!
Want some more help to reach your money goals?
Check out these helpful posts!
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