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Looking for the best books on canning and preserving to enjoy your garden harvest throughout the year? Here are the books you’ll want to have on hand to make your canning and preserving a huge success!
I have enjoyed growing a garden for the past several years, and always look forward to preserving our harvest to enjoy throughout the coming year. We have used a water bath canner, pressure canner, and frozen vegetables as well.
It’s a great feeling to have farm fresh tomato sauce, salsa, creamed corn, green beans, or okra in the middle of winter!
If you grow a garden, you know how wonderful fresh produce from your backyard tastes! And when you can and preserve your harvest, you can enjoy it even more!
Whatever fruits, vegetables, or herbs you grow in your garden – you’ll find the best ways to preserve them to enjoy in the seasons to come. Just check out these great books below to find the perfect canning and preserving book to keep on your homestead!
Be sure to read all the way to the end for some other great homesteading books!
The 12 Best Books on Canning and Preserving

Another amazing benefit of canning and preserving food is that you’ll save money on groceries by having your own stocked pantry full of homegrown goodness!
To me, gardening is a wonderful hobby that allows me to enjoy time outdoors, a great physical workout, and a healthy and frugal way to feed my family.
Canning and preserving seems somewhat of a lost art, but I can see more and more people becoming interested in homesteading and learning more old fashioned ways to provide healthy food for their family.
Check out these books to help you learn more about and how to can and preserve everything you want to grow in your garden!
The 12 Best Books on Canning and Preserving
You’ll love putting food away in the pantry or freezer to enjoy those fresh flavors throughout the coming months, and it will prevent wasting your crop!
1. The All New Ball Book Of Canning And Preserving
The All New Ball Book of Canning and Preserving is from Jarden Home Brands, the makers of Ball canning products, and has more than 350 of the best recipes to try! You’ll find classic recipes for home canners and more creative recipes and advanced methods for the more experienced canners.
You’ll love the delicious recipes for jams, jellies, jerkies, pickles, salsas, and more!
This modern handbook is perfect for today’s home cooks!
The All New Ball Book of Canning and Preserving is organized by technique and covers water bath canning, pressure canning, pickling, fermenting, freezing, dehydrating, and smoking – it’s an all in one complete guide for canning and preserving!
You’ll love the straightforward instructions and step-by-step photos – whether you are a beginner canner or a more advanced home canner.
Synopsis from Amazon:
Thoroughly tested for safety and quality by thermal process engineers at the Fresh Preserving Quality Assurance Lab, recipes range from much-loved classics — Tart Lemon Jelly, Tomato-Herb Jam, Ploughman’s Pickles — to fresh flavors such as Asian Pear Kimchi, Smoked Maple-Juniper Bacon, and homemade Kombucha. Make the most of your preserves with delicious dishes including Crab Cakes garnished with Eastern Shore Corn Relish and traditional Strawberry-Rhubarb Hand Pies. Special sidebars highlight seasonal fruits and vegetables, while handy charts cover processing times, temperatures, and recipe formulas for fast preparation.
Lushly illustrated with color photographs, The All New Ball Book of Canning and Preserving is a classic in the making for a new generation of home cooks.
Get The All New Ball Book Of Canning And Preserving here.
2. Water Bath Canning And Preserving Cookbook For Beginners
In this canning cookbook for beginners, you’ll learn how to water bath can and preserve your food at home to enjoy for months to come!
You’ll learn about:
- what water bath canning is
- the benefits of water bath canning
- how to safely can your favorite foods
- tips to choose the right jars and tools
And you’ll get 100 delicious, quick, and nutrient dense recipes – all organized by type: canning jams, jellies, marmalades, chutneys, butters, perfect pickles, tomato and salsas, condiments and sauces, soups, and even spicy and savory canned recipes
Get this beginner’s guide, and start practicing your food preservation skills while filling your pantry with healthy long-life foods.
Get Water Bath Canning And Preserving Cookbook For Beginners here.
3. The Prepper’s Canning & Preserving Bible
Here’s a great prepper style guide to can and preserve food at home.
You’ll learn how to preserve food for a long, long time, so you can feed your family well no matter what happens.
In The Prepper’s Canning & Preserving Bible, you’ll learn about:
- food preparedness in case of hard times
- nutrient dense healthy meals to feed your family – year round
- effective food preserving and canning methods
This guide covers water bath canning, pressure canning, pickling, fermenting, dehydrating, and freeze drying.
Get The Prepper’s Canning & Preserving Bible here.
4. The Amish Canning Cookbook
This canning cookbooks is for the beginner canner or a more seasoned cook – or anyone who loves the tradition of Amish cooking.
In this book you’ll find:
- a short history of canning
- a list of all the tools and supplies you need
- basic instructions for safe canning
- the best recipes for canning fruit, vegetables, meat, soups, sauces, and more
- and more!
Get The Amish Canning Cookbook here.
5. Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving
Here’s the classic, complete guide to home food preservation.
This home preserving book has 400 classic recipes to try. There’s nothing lacking in this one!
You’ll be glad to have this on your shelf for decades to come!
Get Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving here.
6. The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning
The Canning Diva created The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning with step-by-step instructions to preserve low acid foods with pressure canners.
This is a really good book to add to your kitchen library if you want to pressure can things like soups and stews, meat, vegetables, broths, beans, and more!
In this guide, you’ll get:
- pressure canning basics
- 80 pressure canning recipes
- handy charts for safe pressure canning
- and lots of tips for beginner pressure canners
Get The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning here.
7. The Homestead Canning Cookbook
The Homestead Canning Cookbook will show you how safe and easy canning your favorite foods can be.
This book covers water bath and pressure canning.
You’ll learn the basics, how to fit canning into your busy life, the equipment you’ll need, and over 150 recipes to try!
Get The Homestead Canning Cookbook here.
8. Complete Dehydrator Cookbook
Interested in learning how to preserve food by dehydrating it? Here’s the book for you!
Learn how to dehydrate fruit, vegetables, and meat with over 125 recipes!
Get the Complete Dehydrator Cookbook here.
9. The River Cottage Curing and Smoking Handbook
Want to learn how to cure or smoke meat, fish, cheese, and vegetables at home?
Learn how to source, butcher, smoke, and cure a whole hog, cow, chicken, fish, and vegetables!
Get The River Cottage Curing and Smoking Handbook here.
10. A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game
A great resource for canning, freezing, curing and smoking meat, fish, and game with amazing reviews!
Get A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game here
11. Root Cellaring: Natural Cold Storage of Fruits & Vegetables
Here’s another way to preserve food – use a cellar!
Learn how to preserve your garden harvest with a root cellar, instead of spending hours canning!
This guide is packed with information to help you build your own root cellar, and how to use it to store all your fruits and vegetables.
Get Root Cellaring: Natural Cold Storage of Fruits & Vegetables here.
12. Drying Herbs: An Essential Guide on Drying Herbs for Kitchen Spices and Seasoning
Want to learn how to preserve herbs from your garden for homemade spices and seasonings?
Here’s a great resource to stock your spice cabinet with your homemade herbs!
Get Drying Herbs: An Essential Guide on Drying Herbs for Kitchen Spices and Seasoning here.
These 12 books would be fantastic additions to your kitchen library!
You’ll want to have this on hand to help you preserve your garden harvest and meat, so you can enjoy homegrown food all year round.
It’s an amazing thing what you can accomplish by growing and storying your own food!
Here are a few more homesteading books you might want to check out!
5 More Homesteading Books You Might Enjoy:
Want to grow or expand your backyard homestead? Check out these books!
The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre!
Here’s a comprehensive guide to all things homesteading:
- grow and preserve grains and vegetables
- raise animals for meat, eggs, and dairy
- keep honey bees
Get The Backyard Homestead here.
The Seed Saving Bible
Saving seeds is a great way to save money on your garden expenses.
Learn all about saving seeds in this comprehensive guide.
Get The Seed Saving Bible here.
Beekeeping for Beginners: How To Raise Your First Bee Colonies
Interested in keeping bees for honey to enjoy or sell?
Here’s a great guide all about beekeeping – perfect for beginners!
Get Beekeeping for Beginners here.
The Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens: How to Raise a Happy Backyard Flock
Want to add chickens to your homestead? Check out this beginner’s guide to raising chickens!
In this guide, you’ll learn how to:
- raise chicks
- keep your birds safe from predators
- build a chicken coop
- solve problems that may arise
Get The Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens here.
The Beginner’s Guide to Raising Goats: How to Keep a Happy Herd
Thinking about adding goats to your homestead?
Learn all about raising different breeds of goat for milk, cheese, or meat for your homestead or to make some extra money.
Get The Beginner’s Guide to Raising Goats here.
I hope you found the best books for canning and preserving your garden produce, as well as some homesteading tips!
Having a informative book on hand will be the best tool for home canning success.
You can also browse your library for more books on canning, preserving, dehydrating, curing, using a root cellar, or any other homesteading topics you want to learn more about!
I find a mini farm, or homestead is always growing and evolving, and it’s fun to try new things!