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Looking for a simple budget worksheet? I’ve got a free one for you in this post!
I’m a big believer in making a budget and sticking to it. I believe even more in keeping it simple, so you will actually stick with it.
Confession: I have never made a fancy budget spreadsheet and I have no intention on doing so.
That works for a lot of people, and more power to them! But not me. We keep it simple over here!
Simple Budget Worksheet

Budgeting doesn’t have to be scary or intimidating. You really are just making a plan of where your money is going to go. That’s it!
One piece of paper will do the trick! Except there are no tricks.
There’s literally just two steps, here. You with me?
- Print this simple budget worksheet (free).
- Fill it out by dividing your income to the different categories.
That’s it!

You can make budgeting as complicated or as simple as you wish. I much prefer the super simple version.
If it’s complicated, you probably won’t stick to it.
Related Post: How to Build an Emergency Fund
Print your free simple budget worksheet here!
Then, just figure up your monthly take home pay (after taxes and deductions).
Decide what categories you need to have in your unique budget. These are going to be different for everyone.
What do you spend your money on? Those are your categories.
Then, just divide your monthly take home pay between the categories.
You can look at your previous bank statements to give you an idea of how much you spent in each category.
Related Post: 5 Tips to Avoid Impulse Purchases

When making a budget, don’t be too hard on yourself at first. Try to do just a tiny bit better than you did last month. And the next month, just do a little better than that.
Have I convinced you yet that budgeting can be simple, and dare I say… pretty easy?
Keep it simple so you stick to it! And you’ll see success without the frustration and complicated spreadsheets!
Print your free simple budget worksheet here!
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