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Looking for a savings challenge to follow to boost your savings? In this post, I’m sharing my favorite free savings plan printables.
A savings challenge is a great way to save more money and keep yourself accountable.
These savings plan printables are perfect for keeping up with how much money you have saved, and how close you are getting to your savings goal.
Use these savings tracker plans to plan your next savings challenge.
5 Free Savings Challenge Printables

These challenges are fun to get your spouse and family involved in, too.
Decide what you are saving for, how much you want to save, and by what date. You may be saving to increase your savings account, build an emergency fund, or saving for a vacation or new car.
And think about how you will celebrate when you reach your savings goal. Plan a small, frugal way to celebrate when you complete the savings challenge. A fun ice cream sundae party, going to a drive in movie, or a date night out!

Check out these savings tracker plans and get the free printables below.
Savings Challenge Printables:
1. $250 Savings Plan
In this $250 savings plan, you will be able to save $250 in just 5 weeks!
Get this $250 savings plan printable here.

2. $500 Savings Plan
With the $500 savings plan, you can save for larger purchases or to add more money to your savings account.
This plan helps you save $500 in 3 months.
Get the $500 savings plan printable here.

3. $1000 Savings Plan
If you want to save $1000 for a nice vacation, an emergency fund, or to add to your savings, this is a great plan to follow.
With this challenge, you will be able to save $1000 in 6 months.
Get the $1000 savings plan printable here.

4. $5000 Savings Plan
Need to save a larger amount to build your savings or make a large purchase? This $5000 savings plan will be perfect.
With the $5000 savings plan, you will be able to save $5000 in 6 months.
Get the $5000 savings plan printable here.

5. 12 Month Money Savings Plan
With this 12 month money saving challenge, you will be able to save $6000 in 12 months.
Get the 12 month money savings challenge here.

Here are all the free savings challenge printables again:
$250 Money Saving Challenge Checklist
$500 Money Saving Challenge Checklist
$1000 Money Saving Challenge Checklist
$5000 Money Saving Challenge Checklist
12 Month Money Saving Challenge Checklist
Use these free savings printables and trackers to help you reach your next savings goal and keep yourself accountable and on track.
If you love money challenges, be sure to sign up for my free 7 Day Mini Money Saving Challenge to get a small money challenge in your inbox for 7 days. Sign up for the free challenge here.

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