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Have you heard of having a morning basket for your kids? I set one up for our daughter and love starting our morning with this routine every day. In this post, I’m sharing some morning basket ideas for baby!
Our morning basket is very simple, but I love having this little routine every morning. It starts our day out well, and gives our day a little structure.
You can set up a morning basket for any age child, and they work really well for homeschooling. They can even work for babies, and we are using our morning basket with our 5 month old daughter now.
Morning Basket Ideas for Baby

I’ll share more about what a morning basket is, how to set up your own morning basket, and some great ideas for a baby morning basket.
What is a morning basket?
A morning basket is simple a basket (or bucket, or stack) of books and/or activities to go through together with your child every morning.
You can include whatever you like and change it out as often as you like (or not). Keep it simple with just a couple of things, or add several books and activities to it. Totally up to you!
The idea is that you start off the morning the same every day. This gives your day some structure, and I think a little repetition and routine is good for children, especially babies!

What is in our morning basket?
For our baby’s morning basket, we have 5 activities included. Here is what our morning basket time looks like:
First, we read in the baby bible. I alternate a book each week. For instance, this week we are reading about Daniel and the Lions. We are using the My First Read and Learn Bible.
Then, we read a picture book. I rotate the picture book each week.
Next, we say the same three prayers every morning from a child’s prayer book.
Then, I show her one page of real life pictures from a picture and word book.
Finally, we sing a short song (or two) from a song book. We’ve been singing Itsy Bitsy Spider and I’m a Little Teapot lately.

How do you set up a morning basket?
Think about what kind of books or activities you want to work through each morning. You can start small with just one or two books until you find what works best for you.
Go through the books you have and see what would work well for a morning basket.
If you have longer books, you can work on just one section each week. Or, you can read a longer book a little at a time, and just pick up the next day where you left off.
You can listen to music, look at real life pictures, print simple black and white pictures off the internet, sing songs, say prayers, or read short board books.
Rotate this once a week, once every two weeks, or once a month – whatever works for you.
Find a spot in your home that you can keep your morning basket with a spot for the baby to sit or lay. We set up this little corner in our living room for our daughter.

Or, take your morning basket outside on a nice day! This is also a great time to practice tummy time. Even our dog likes to join! 😉

You could even go all out and having morning basket themes, like for the different seasons, holidays, or something you want to focus on that week or month. A Christmas morning basket theme would be really fun!
I keep it pretty simple, but if we do have a seasonal or holiday book, I will add that to the basket and talk about different things of the season (leaves falling, getting cooler out, etc.).
Here are some great morning basket books:
My First Read and Learn Bible – this is what we use and love!
First 100 Words – We love this book since it has real pictures.
Baby Touch and Feel: Animals – This is a great book for babies since it has real life pictures and only one image and word per page.
Precious Moments: Little Book of Prayers
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? – Our daughter loves turning the pages of this book.
Guess How Much I Love You – This is such a sweet book. Someone gifted us this book and bunny set and it is so sweet.
Those are some of our favorites for our morning basket time. Look around and see what you have to add to a morning basket for your baby.
You can oftentimes find cheap books at yard sales, consignment shops, church sales, or visit the library once a week for new things to add.
I hope this helps you set up your own morning basket for your baby! Enjoy this quality morning time with them and the simple routine to start your day together. 🙂