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I have been wanting to add a mini gallery wall to our hallway for some time now. Our house is really small, like 900 square foot small. Hence the name, The Little Frugal House. So, we don’t have a lot of extra space for decorating.
I thought a small gallery wall would be the perfect addition for the hallway. Our home is super cozy, and we try to fill it with only things that we love.
With such a small space to decorate, we have to get creative sometimes. Gallery walls are perfect because you can add several items you love and fill a larger space.
Some things we already had, and some things we made.
I don’t think my frugal DIY gallery wall will be featured on a design site any time soon, but it’s perfect for us and our home!
And I think that’s what it’s all about. Find what you love, decorate your home with things that are meaningful to you, and make your house a home, your way.
Here’s what we added to our little home sweet home!
Frugal DIY Gallery Wall
Barn wood, Mason Jar, and Cotton
I love anything rustic and love using barn wood in our home. This was super easy to make! I just cut a piece of barn wood, added a picture hanger on the back, attached a hose clamp, the mason jar, and added some cotton in the jar.
The cotton and barn wood added some needed texture to the area, and gave me a great place to start.
Estimated Cost: $6
The barn wood was given to me by my Dad. I had a bunch of mason jars from other craft projects. The hose clamps are less than $2, and the cotton was purchased half price at Hobby Lobby.
The Best Thing To Hold On To Is Each Other
We have had this sign since we moved in. It used to be the only thing hanging on this wall. I didn’t want to get rid of it because I really love the saying. It’s such a simple phrase, but very meaningful. This one had to stay!
Cost: Free!
You could make a similar sign with a stencil, or freehand, on a piece of wood for a frugal piece of art!
Home Sweet Home
My dog, Bo, picked out this sign for us. Seriously! I was actually making this sign to sell at my craft shows, and he ran over and stepped on it! That little stinker!
I was a little mad at first because he just ruined my sign and now I couldn’t sell it! But then, I thought, how perfect this would be for our house. I tried to clean the paw print up a little, but decided it just had to go in our house as it was, imperfect.
That pretty much sums up our home and our life. I try to have nice things, and then the dogs “mess it up”. But our house would not be home without the pup squad. They bring so much life into our home and so much happiness and laughter into our lives.
Bo was just reminding me that he is part of what makes our house, home sweet home. Thanks, Bo!
If you want to make a similar sign, I have instructions here to make your own DIY Box Quote Sign.
Cost: $3
You just need about half a piece of 1×4 ($2), scrap wood for the backing, scrapbook paper, and a pen or paint.
And this is where I’m at now. I can’t decide what else to add. Someone suggested a metal “W” for our last name, or a photo. I’m determined to finish it this week and will update when it’s done!
I know it’s nothing too crazy or ground breaking, but I love how each of these little pieces add to the character and coziness of our home. Every piece we add to our home brings more personality and makes it more “us”. Even the dogs helped put this frugal DIY gallery wall together!
One more thing checked off my list, and one more part of our home decorated with meaningful pieces. I’m very happy with it!
Have you added a frugal DIY gallery wall to your home? What style did you go with?
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