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Are you a beginner blogger or someone interested in starting a blog? This post is for you! I’m sharing the must have blogging freebies for beginners to help you start and grow your blog!

You have probably heard or read about people making money online from blogging. Have you tried it yourself?
I was a bit skeptical at first. Like it sounds too good to be true. But, I did some research, took some free trainings (like the ones below!), and went for it!
And I’m so glad I did! Because, here I am writing on my money making blog.
I won’t pretend it was easy, or overnight, because it wasn’t. This blog has grown from nothing to making steady full time income in about a year and a half. And three years later, I’m enjoying staying home and working my absolute dream career!
I worked on my blog for over a year seeing very small results. But, after sticking with it and taking this course, I can say I run a successful money making blog.
And taking that leap to start my blog and taking a course to help me learn step by step how to blog the best way made all the difference. That leap of faith allowed me to follow my dream of being able to stay home and work for myself.
It’s amazing what you can do when you take a leap of faith and start on your dream!
The step by step course I took that taught me everything I needed to build and grow a successful blog was Elite Blog Academy. I was nervous to invest in such an intense course, but looking back it made all the difference. I will forever sing the praises of Elite Blog Academy!
Elite Blog Academy (or EBA) is not open right now, but be sure to get on the wait list here to be notified when it opens up!
In the meantime, check out the freebies below to help you grow (or start!) your own successful money making blog.
Must Have Freebies for Beginner Bloggers

You can read more about my blogging story and how it allowed me to quit my job in this post.
These freebies are courtesy of Elite Blog Academy – the BEST blogging course if you are serious about making this a full time, money making job.
I took EBA really slow. Like a year and a half from start to finish. But, I know 100% it’s what made me a successful money making blogger.
I have made my money back from the course again and again. I credit EBA and the creator, Ruth Soukup, with my success.
EBA is a must if you want to create a successful blog that actually makes money. It only opens up once a year, so your best bet is to get on the wait list here.
12 Beginner Blogger Free Resources:
Here are 12 must have freebies to help you grow a successful and money making blog!
1. 7 Surefire Ways to Boost Your Blog Income Overnight
Packed with practical tips you can implement right away, this super helpful mini ebook will help you maximize the revenue you are earning from the audience you already have.
Get the 7 Surefire Ways to Boost Your Blog Income Overnight here.
2. 120 Awesome Blog Post Ideas
Struggling to come up with new content for your blog?
This list of 120 awesome blog post ideas will help you beat writer’s block and bring killer content that builds your business every time.
Get 120 Awesome Blog Post Ideas here.
3. Secret Blueprint for Blogging Success
A clear blog structure is critical to a blogger’s success. Find out how to organize your blog so that your readers can always find exactly what they’re looking for & become raving fans!
Get the Secret Blueprint for Blogging Success here.
4. The Small Business Roadmap
This Small Business Roadmap will show you exactly what steps you’ll need to take to get started, along with typical startup costs.
Get The Small Business Roadmap here.
5. Small Business Start Up Cost Guide
This guide will show you exactly how much risk you avoid by using the Upside Down Business model to start your business!
Get the Small Business Start Up Cost Guide here.
6. 11 Ways to Boost Your Blog Reach Overnight
This ebook will give you 11 quick actions you can take to start introducing more people to your business today!
Get 11 Ways to Boost Your Blog Reach Overnight here.
7. Square Space Made Simple
This eBook will take you through setting up your website on the user friendly platform, SquareSpace using detailed visual and written directions.
Get Square Space Made Simple here.
8. 7 Genius Time Hacks for Bloggers
Get more done with these productivity tips for bloggers!
Get the 7 Genius Time Hacks for Bloggers here.
9. How to Write with F.O.C.U.S.
This printable guideline leads you through the 5 components every piece of content you publish needs.
Get How to Write with F.O.C.U.S. here.
10. New Blogger Focus Guide
The New Blogger Focus Guide can help you sift through what you need to know and what you don’t.
Get New Blogger Focus Guide here.
These beginner blogging freebies will help you get set up for success with your blog. The best course I have found to take you step by step through the process of creating a successful, money making blog is Elite Blog Academy.
Elite Blog Academy is the course I took when I started my blog that helped me create a blog that I am proud of and that generates a great income, allowing me to stay home and work for myself.
You can get on the Elite Blog Academy waitlist here and be notified as soon as it opens up!
Your Blogging Mentor Free Webinar:
I also have been learning a lot from Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom and Your Blogging Mentor. I joined her mastermind group and learn so much from her every week!
She has a free blogging webinar you will definitely want to check out, as she runs a very successful blog and has been blogging for many years.
11. 3 Steps to Start That Blog You’ve Been Dreaming Of Webinar
Learn the steps you can take TODAY to start that blog you’ve been dreaming of!
Sign up for this free webinar here.
Crystal teaches some fantastic classes on different topics of blogging, too.
You can check out all of her blogging classes here!
12. Step by Step Blog Setup Tutorial
Don’t have a blog yet?
Check out this step by step tutorial to help you set up your own blog.
There you have it! The 12 best free tools for beginner bloggers!
Go ahead and grab those freebies while they last and get to work!
If you are serious about turning your blog from a hobby to a successful money making blog, definitely get on the wait list for EBA here.
Or go ahead and check out Crystal Paine’s blogging courses here.