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Ready to get out of debt? Getting organized is the best place to start! This free debt payoff chart PDF can help you get started today!
If you don’t know where to start on your debt free journey, start here. Grab the free printable debt payoff worksheet below, fill it out, and start by getting your debts organized.
You don’t need any fancy budgeting tools, software, or coaching – just get your debts organized on one single piece of paper, make a plan, and get to work.
Use the free printable debt payoff worksheet below to help you get organized and work towards paying off your debts.
Free Printable Debt Payoff Worksheet PDF
I created this simple debt free chart to be a visual you can use to keep track off your debt payments and your progress.
You don’t need to get stressed out or overwhelmed when you start paying off debt. Keep things as simple as possible and you’ll see progress.
I love keeping things simple, especially when it comes to budgeting and paying off debt. I find it’s much easier to keep track of and stick to the simpler systems.
These debt payoff trackers have everything you need on one piece of paper!
How can I keep track off my debts?
If this question has been holding you back from getting serious about paying off debt, the debt payoff tracker worksheet is your perfect starting point.
Print a debt payoff tracker worksheet for each debt that you have.
Fill it out every time you make a payment to see your progress!
Download the free printable debt payoff worksheet here.
To use this debt payoff chart:
Here’s how to use the debt payoff worksheets.
- Start by listing your different debts and loans in the left column.
- In the second column, write in the minimum payment due.
- Add the current balance before any new payment in the third column.
- When you make a payment, write in that amount in the forth column.
- Write in the new balance after that payment in the fifth column.
- Use the notes column as needed.
Download the free printable debt payoff worksheet here.
By tracking your debts in this visual chart, you will:
- See all the progress you are making.
- Know your balance for all your debts.
- Have all of your debt information on one simple sheet of paper.
- NOT be overwhelmed by a spreadsheet or software.
- And be able to get a one page glimpse into your debt payoff progress.
I love keeping things simple and writing things out. When I write down things, I tend to remember them better. It’s great to have a visual on paper to keep you motivated and on track.
I hope this free printable debt payoff worksheet is the starting point that catapults you towards your dream debt free life! You’ve got this!
Get started on your debt free journey now with this free printable debt payoff tracker!

Want to learn more about paying off debt?
Be sure to check out these posts!
25 Side Job Ideas to Pay Off Debt Faster
How to Pay Off Debt Quickly: 6 Tips to Pay Off Debt Faster
How to Create a Plan to Pay Off Debt Fast
How to Make a Debt Payoff Plan in 4 Steps
Becoming Debt Free: We Paid Our House Off!