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Do you need a free meal planning template to help you plan your menu for the week? Grab this cute meal planner printable worksheet and write out your weekly meal plan.
Free Meal Planning Template Printable:

I’m sitting on my patio in the shade watching our baby goats play, birds fly, the dogs chase each other (and bark at cars going by), and enjoying the quiet, peaceful moment. Of course, the baby is taking a nap, too – so it’s actually really quiet, other than the sweet sounds of nature and keys on my keyboard clicking.
I just finished cleaning up our dishes from lunch. I’m trying to actually make a nice lunch for us, instead of my regular peanut butter and jelly sandwich with chips. I’ve been making our daughter’s baby food and now solid food from scratch, but it has somehow just occurred to me that I could actually be eating that well myself.
So, I’m determined to start cooking more filling and nutritious lunches that we will both enjoy. Which at first sounds a little daunting and time consuming, but I’m going to make it super easy by planning ahead what we’ll eat all week long.
I already do this for dinner, and it works so well – so I know it will make lunch meal planning easy and stress free, too.
I’ve found it’s much easier to cook meals at home when you start with a plan – like most things in life. So, now I have a lunch meal plan and we’ll be enjoying more filling and nutritious, but still super simple, meals. Things like grilled sandwiches with sweet potatoes, cheese quesadillas, chicken tacos with avocado slices, lots of fruit, and soon, vegetables from the garden.
There are many ways to make a weekly meal plan, and many different methods of keeping up with your meal plan – the notes app on your phone, a magnetic notepad on the fridge, or a cute meal planner like this one, which you can grab for free here!
You can print a few of these, and have one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner – so you can plan all your meals for the whole week.
To keep you from printing a whole new meal planner each week, you can laminate or use a sheet protector page and a dry erase marker so you can wipe it off and re-use it each week.
Grab the free meal planning worksheet printable here!
Meal planning is a simple way to make a plan to eat more frugal meals at home, so you can save more money. Having a plan of what to eat will help you prepare meals faster and easier, and keep you from spending money on fast food or take out, since you already have a plan of what to make.