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Are you looking for some free family fun ideas? In this post, I’m sharing 25 free ideas like games, activities, crafts, and more that your family can enjoy together without spending any money!
Making memories with your family doesn’t have to cost a lot of money – and many times the activities and simple, every day moments are the ones that create the best memories and fun for everyone.
So, here’s permission to do just that when it comes to family fun – keep it simple, keep it easy, and keep it frugal.
I hope you enjoy these free family fun ideas, and that you can create many wonderful memories with your family – while sticking to your budget, so you can save more money for your big goals.
Write down a few ideas on your calendar, and make some fun, new, and simple traditions as a family.
Have fun and don’t forget to laugh, mama!
25 Free Family Fun Ideas

Try some of these free ideas with your family to create some great memories or start some new traditions!
1. Go hiking – Find a local trail, a nearby greenway, or a state park to explore. Pack a picnic, snacks, journals to write or draw, coloring books and crayons for a fun break, a camera, or make a DIY scavenger hunt to complete together on your hike.

2. Ride bikes, skateboards, scooters, or push the stroller – Get out in nature and explore. Switch it up and pack different gear for the kids to use.
3. Sidewalk chalk – Make it a fun competition with silly rules, or take a simple drawing to replicate.
4. Explore state parks – Look for different state or local parks in your area and what they have to offer. Many have free classes for all ages to learn something new.
5. Free community events – Search for free events in your community by looking on Facebook, in the newspaper, or a local blog. (Outdoor movies, concerts, art classes, free days at local museums, or plays.)
6. Use the library – The library is a goldmine for free things for the whole family. You can rent books, movies, audiobooks and chances are your local library offers many free events – just ask or look up their calendar of events. Our library has story time, arts and crafts events, Legos club, book clubs, and more.

7. Dig out sports & recreation equipment – Use whatever you have to play at the park or in your backyard. You can even make up your own family games and start some friendly competitions. (Frisbee, football, tennis, soccer, basketball, jump rope, baseball, kites, or badminton are always fun!)
8. Go backyard camping – Grab your camping gear and set up in the backyard. Make it extra fun and cozy with lights, lanterns, fun snacks, or activities.
9. Stargaze in the backyard – Check out a constellation book from the library and go stargazing in your backyard. You can have the kids draw their own constellations or cut out and paste stars on construction paper.
10. Have a designated board game night – Make a tradition to play board games on the same night every week and make the same dinner (frozen pizza, make your own pizzas, soup, or grilled sandwiches). You can rotate who picks the game each week to make it exciting.

11. Make crazy ice cream sundaes – Designate a night each month to be Crazy Ice Cream Sundae Night. Pull out all different kinds of toppings – even weird ones someone would have to be brave to use! – and let everyone make their own ice cream sundae. You can rate everyone’s concoction with bonus points for the most creative.
12. Have a dance party – Put on some fun music, dress up fancy or super silly and dance! Learn some fun dance moves together from YouTube videos or make your own up!
13. Invite friends or family over to play games or cards – Put out some simple snacks, or ask everyone to bring something to share.
14. Have an Inside Picnic and Movie Night – Set out a blanket on the floor and have a picnic style dinner with a movie afterwards. A simple dinner and movie night can be made special with a few creative touches.
15. Use local playgrounds – Explore different playgrounds around you and use them often. Many offer splash pads or have a nearby trail to stroll or hike, too.

16. Set up a relay or obstacle race in your backyard – Find whatever you can use to set up a relay or obstacle course (hula hoops, cones, different balls, feed sacks, etc.) and make up a fun game to play together.
17. Paint and hide rocks in your town – This is a fun trend that kids love. Grab some rocks and paint them, then hide them all around town for other people to find and look for others to find together.
18. Make a backyard scavenger hunt – Draw pictures or print pictures of things to find in the backyard for simple prizes.
19. Do arts and crafts – Find a book from the library with simple arts and crafts ideas, or a how to draw book, and work on different projects together. You can make different crafts or decorations for holidays or let kids decorate their rooms with their creations.

20. Cut out pictures from old magazines and glue them on paper to make your own book. Let the kids make up a story to go along with the pictures. Then, use a hole punch and ribbon or string, or staple the pages together.
21. Declutter your home together – Have a yard sale and use the money to do something fun together as a family (zoo trip, aquarium visit, museum day, etc.).
22. Look up videos and learn a new skill together – Like how to make homemade bread, do yoga, sew or knit, make a DIY project or craft, a new language, etc.
23. Learn how to play any music instruments you have – Look up videos and work together to improve your skills.
24. Volunteer together – Head to a dog shelter, nursing home, or a local mission to help out together as a family. You can spend time working together and donate items as you are able.
25. Read together – Read aloud as a family, or have everyone head outside to enjoy some quiet time reading on the porch or under shade trees in your yard.

There you have it – 25 free things to do with your family!
You can have so much fun, make unforgettable memories, and start some family traditions without spending any money at all!
Sometimes the simple moments are the most memorable and meaningful!
Enjoy time with your family, mama – and don’t worry about making it perfect or having to spend a lot of money!
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