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I’ve been on the search for the perfect DIY project to make an advent calendar. I wanted something to countdown to Christmas, and hide little treats and gifts in. This project turned out better than I envisioned, which rarely ever happens. So, I am ecstatic with the result! I was debating between using a shoe organizer, making a wooden Christmas tree with clothespins, or using an old frame with twine and clothespins. While I was grocery shopping and looking for something to get a grease stain out of my husband’s work hoodie, I stumbled upon this shoe organizer. And it immediately went into the cart. The rest of the grocery shopping trip was a blur, because I was figuring out all the details of this project in my head. I loved putting this shoe organizer advent calendar together and I love the way it turned out! This was a super fun and easy project. If you have kiddos, this would be a perfect project to get them involved in or surprise them with! I see this advent calendar being a new tradition in our home. We are going to have so much fun counting down to Christmas and enjoying our little treats and surprises!DIY Shoe Organizer Advent Calendar

Supplies needed:

Treats and Surprises to Hide:

- Add your numbers.
- Fill each slot with a treat or surprise!
- Open one surprise for each day leading up to Christmas.

Treasure @ Treasured Mom says
This is such a creative idea. I love that the pockets are big enough to put multiple things in or larger items. I have 4 kids, so it’s tricky to fit all the treats in the felt advent calendar we have. One trick is to save leftover Halloween candy to put in it, which will keep us from eating it all and help save some money.
thelittlefrugalhouse says
Aww I’m sure your kids get so excited to find the surprises! I love that idea to save some money and calories! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!