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Looking for a fun new Cricut project? This one is so cute and easy!
Since I got my heat press machine, I have been loving iron on projects! This project is a gift for a friend, and it was so easy to do!
You can customize this project and put any words you want on your tote bag!
I love the “Stuff & Things” phrase (from The Walking Dead tv show), but you could use any phrase or image!
DIY Cricut Craft: Stuff & Things Iron On Tote Bag
Materials Needed:
- Canvas tote bag
- Iron on material
- Cricut machine
- Heat press machine or an iron
Directions to make your own super cute “Stuff & Things” tote bag:
*These directions will show you each step, perfect for beginners!
Create your image in CanvaΒ or use this “Stuff & Things” image I created.
- Download the free Stuff & Things image here -> Stuff and things
- Just download and save as an image.
- Preheat your heat press machine to 400 degrees or preheat your iron.
Open Cricut Design Space. Click + New Project.
- Upload the image you just saved.
- Choose simple image type, and continue.
- Select and erase the areas you don’t want in your image. Make sure to click preview to review.
- Save as a cut iamge. Press save.
- Insert your image into your new project.
- Measure your tote bag and resize your image accordingly.
- Click Make it!
- Make sure to click where it says Mirror. Your image should look backwards. Press continue.
- Turn your Cricut machine on, if not already. Choose the Iron On setting.
- Place your iron on material glossy side down on your Cricut mat and load it into the machine. Once the Go button flashes, press it to begin cutting.
- Once your image is cut out, remove it from the mat. Remove the excess material around your image or words.
- Press your tote bag on the heat press machine (or your iron) without the image to remove any wrinkles.
- Place the image where you would like it on the tote bag.
- Place tote bag, image side facing up, in your heat press machine.
- Use a protective cover, like a teflon sheet or thin cloth, over the image.
- Press the image in the heat press machine for 30 seconds. (If using an iron, apply as much pressure as you can for about 2 minutes, then iron from the inside as well.)
- Remove the bag from the machine, and let cool for a minute. Once cooled, remove the transfer paper.
Ta-da! How did it turn out?
I love how the heat press machine can apply so much pressure and heat to really set the image.
These are the basic step by step instructions to create an iron on image, and transfer that to a canvas tote bag. Have fun experimenting with different images and words!
Personalized iron on tote bags are a super cute gift! 
- Just add a little bow or ribbon.
- Fill with goodies.
- Perfect for bridesmaid’s gifts!
- Make a monogram!
What image or words will you put on your iron on tote bag?
Kristy says
Ah, this is lovely! Thanks for the great idea π – I think I could do with one of these bags in each room of my house!!!
thelittlefrugalhouse says
I think they are so fun! Thank you! π