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Want to add some super quick and easy freezer meals to your freezer stash? I just made these 4 meals to have for quick dinners.
Freezer meals are so nice to have when you don’t have time to cook a full meal. You can easily grab something from the freezer, heat it up, and dinner is ready in minutes.
I just made these 4 quick and easy freezer meals to have on hand when our baby arrives, and these will be so nice to have for quick meals.
4 Quick & Easy Freezer Meals to Make Ahead

I didn’t have a lot of time to make a bunch of freezer meals, but I was able to quickly make these 4 meals to stock in the freezer.
Here’s what I made:
Sausage patties
Burger patties
Taco meat
Shredded chicken
These meals are really easy to make for the freezer, and you can make as much as you want!
Here’s what I did:
Sausage Patties:
I used one pound of breakfast sausage to make 8 sausage patties. For the two of us, I just put two in each freezer bag.
These will be so handy to have ready to throw in a skillet for a quick and easy breakfast.
You can also go ahead and cook the sausage and freeze them for an even quicker meal.

Burger Patties:
I added seasoning salt and black pepper, and made about 1/3 lb burger patties. For the two of us, I froze two burgers in each freezer bag.
You can place freezer paper between the patties to prevent them for sticking together.
These are nice to have already patted out and ready to grill.

Taco Meat:
Taco meat is one of my very favorite freezer meals to have on hand. It is the quickest meal to heat up and can be served a few different ways.
I brown one pound of ground beef, drain the grease, and add one packet of taco seasoning mixed with the amount of water listed on the packet.
Then, I just freeze the taco meat in portions perfect for the two of us.
Taco meat can be thawed, heated up in the microwave, and ready to serve in minutes.
You can make regular style tacos, taco salad, nachos, or any other type of dish you like with the seasoned beef.

Shredded Chicken:
Shredded chicken is a great item to have in the freezer for a quick dinner. It can be heated up in a minute, and served in many different ways.
Just boil chicken breasts until done, shred the chicken with a mixer or fork, and freezer in freezer bags.
We love to use cooked shredded chicken from the freezer for quick and easy quesadillas. Just thaw, heat, and add to a tortilla with some cheese and salsa for a quick and super yummy quesadilla.

It was so nice to make these 4 easy freezer meals and stock our freezer for the busy nights we have ahead of us.
When I don’t have time to make a ton of freezer meals, I can still add some meals to our freezer by making one of these easy freezer meals.
Think about what meals you can quickly make to add to your freezer, so you don’t have to cook a full meal every night!