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Do you want to decorate your work or living space with scripture art? I love having motivational, inspiring, and uplifting art and quotes around me, especially in my work space.
Here are 5 free printable scripture art prints!
When you surround yourself with things that inspire you, give you truth, and make you feel good, you will do better work and have a more positive attitude.
I had so much fun creating these free printable scripture art prints for you! You can print these out and hang them wherever you need inspiration and truthful words.
Grab the free printable scripture art below and enjoy! 🙂
5 Free Printable Scripture Art Prints
To print your free printable scripture art, just click on the image or link below, download the file, and print on your favorite paper.
I love this thicker cardstock paper for prints like this.
Tips to decorate with these prints:
Print on cardstock and place in a dollar store frame.
Dollar Tree has a good selection of frames, all for $1. Grab one of these and spray paint the frame for a fun look!
Related Post: 37 Things You Should Always Buy From Dollar Tree
Print on heavy cardstock, place in a clipboard, and hang.
You can easily change out your print when you use a clipboard, and it looks super cute! Try making a collection of 2 or 3 of these for a fun look!
You can find some super cute and affordable clip boards here!
Make your desktop or phone screen background.
I love to keep my list of yearly goals as my background to stay inspired and focused on my goals. These printables would make a super cute background and remind you of God’s love and truth.
Place these in your planner or binder.
Add your favorite print as a cover to a binder you use or in your planner.
Give to someone else.
Spread God’s love and joy by printing a few of these and placing on a coworker’s desk, or in a gift basket for a friend.
Related Post: 15 Christ Centered Gift Ideas
You can do so many things with these free printable scripture art prints to spread God’s love and your faith.
Surrounding yourself with the truth and reminders of important words from God will help you remember how awesome God is and how much he loves you. It’s amazing what can happen when we surround ourselves with good things.
So, sprinkle these around your home, work space, and for others!
You can find more beautiful and inspiring scripture art here.
Here’s the 5 free printable scripture art prints:
Just click on the image or link below to download the printable file. All 5 prints are in one file to make it easier for you.
Print the free printable scripture art prints here.

You can print the free printable scripture art prints here.
All 5 prints are in one downloadable file to make it easy for you. You can print just 1 or all 5!
I hope you enjoy these prints and they help brighten up your home or work space!
Need some inspiration about what crafts to make next?
Check out these craft ideas!
115+ Craft Ideas to Make and Sell
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The 70 Best Dollar Tree Craft Supplies
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