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Are you looking for a simple $250 savings plan? In this post, I’ve got a quick plan to help you save $250.
$250 can be a little bit of money, or a lot, depending on what your needs are right now.
$250 may not get you very far if you need to buy a new car, but it can definitely help you afford a car repair or a new appliance that needs replacing.
It can also be a great way to start your savings account!
Use this $250 savings plan to help you save up the money for whatever you need!
$250 Savings Plan + Free Printable

$250 Savings Plan
Each week, for 5 weeks, you will save $50. And at the end of week 5, you will have $250 saved up!
Use the free printable checklist to keep you accountable. Check off each week you save $50.
Seeing your progress will keep you motivated to keep saving.
If you can’t save $50 each week, save $50 when you can and check it off. You can do every other week, or once a month if you need to.
You can print the free $250 savings plan printable right here!

A few savings tips to help you save $500 in 3 months:
- Save the money as soon as you get your paycheck. Put the money aside so you aren’t tempted to spend it. Related Post: The 4 Bank Accounts You Need to Have
- Schedule auto transfers. Go into your online banking and set up an automatic transfer on the day you get paid. You can specify the amount and the date. This way, you won’t even see the money and it goes straight to savings!
- Brainstorm ways to save more money! Can you stay home more and avoid the cost of eating out? How about cancelling a monthly subscription? Do you have something you can sell that you aren’t using?
Related Post: 77 Things to Declutter & Sell