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Do you need to save money on food? Here are some great frugal things to eat on a tight budget, so you can eat great on a budget!
Food can be one of the best places in your budget to cut costs and save money. If you are on a tight budget and need to save more money, try cutting your food expenses.
These are some great things you can feed yourself and your family on a small budget.
20 Things to Eat on a Tight Budget

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Ready to save money on groceries and food? Check out this awesome list of frugal foods and cheap meals to make for when you are on a strict budget.
1. Eggs
Eggs are very nutritious and filling, and can usually be found for around $1/dozen. You can scramble them for breakfast, hard boil them for salads, or make a filling omelet.
2. Oatmeal
Look for great stock up deals on oatmeal, or buy a bulk package for a better value.
3. Bananas
Bananas are a great frugal produce to buy regularly. If you have overripe bananas, freeze them for smoothies or banana bread or muffins.

4. Rice
Rice is a great frugal food to have on hand. You can add in different vegetables or meat to change it up.
5. Beans
Beans are filling and can be found cheap. Cook them in different ways to change it up like a side of beans, mixed into pasta, in chili, or with rice.
6. Marked down produce
Find a store near you that offers mark downs on produce that will be expiring soon. I love shopping Kroger for mark downs. Use the produce right away, or freeze it for later.
7. Peanut butter sandwiches
I can regularly find peanut butter on sale for about $1/jar, or you can look at a dollar store. Grab some bread (check for mark downs in the bakery section, too!), and make filling and frugal peanut butter sandwiches for lunches.
8. Pasta
Pasta is another great frugal food that is very filling. Skip the meat for a more frugal option. I can regularly find boxes of pasta for 50 cents/box and jars of pasta sauce from $1-$1.50/jar. This is a great option for family dinners!
9. Soup
Stock up on soup ingredients when you see great sales. Look for broth, frozen vegetables, and marked down meat. You can make a big batch of soup, and freeze it in portions for your family.
You can also make your own broth with bones and vegetable scraps for super frugal soup meals.

10. Bulk bags of apples or oranges
Depending on what is in season, you can usually get a great deal buying apples, oranges, or other produce in bulk. And these last longer than other produce!
11. Bread
Check your Dollar Tree or look for markdowns or sales at the grocery store for cheap bread. You can stretch a loaf of bread to make several sandwiches, toast, or as a side to a meal.
12. Potatoes
Look for a great deal on a big bag of potatoes. Usually the more you buy, the better value. Skip the individual potatoes and go for a 5-10 lb bag to get a better deal.
You can serve potatoes in many ways like baked potatoes, potato soup, or add just a little meat on top of a baked potato for a hearty and frugal meal.
13. In Season Vegetables
Look at the sale ad to see what vegetables are in season and on sale. Usually the first page on a grocery sale ad will have the best deals.
14. Canned vegetables
If you have an Aldi or a discount grocery store, check the prices on canned vegetables. I can usually get canned vegetables for about 50 cents/can at Aldi and these are great for stocking up to have in the pantry.
15. Marked down meat
Look for deals on meat that is about to expire. Cook the meat right away, or freeze it for later. If it’s not the best cut of meat, use a slow cooker to make it more tender and flavorful.
16. Frozen vegetables
Compare the unit prices for the big bag of frozen vegetables versus the smaller bags that are normally around $1/bag to get the best deal.
These can be added to soups, stir fry, or served as a side!

17. Frozen fruit
If you want to eat fruit, but can’t afford fresh, look for frozen fruit that you can add to smoothies.
18. Cheese
Compare the unit prices of different packages of cheese to find the best value, and look for great sales to stock up.
Cheese can make simple frugal meals more exciting and flavorful.
19. Tortillas
Look for great deals on tortillas or check a discount grocery store. You can make a great cheap and filling meal with tortillas like quesadillas, tacos, or burritos.
20. Food from your own garden or a local farmer
Can you grow your own food to save money and eat healthier? We love to grow corn, tomatoes, okra, peppers, carrots, green beans, broccoli, and herbs and enjoy eating from our own backyard for pretty much free. You’ll just need a spot to plant your garden, some seeds, and some time spent watering, weeding, and picking vegetables.
You could also find a local farmer or gardener to buy produce in bulk from. It will be fresh, local, and you should get a great deal! You can also look for Amish stores or markets for great bulk produce options.

There you have it – 20 things to eat on a tight budget! If you are trying to stretch your food budget, use this list to feed yourself and your family a great meal and save a lot of money.
Food is a great place in your budget to cut costs, and these cheap foods and budget meals will help you eat great on less money.