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Are you looking for free exercise ideas to get in shape without spending any money? Today, I’m sharing my favorite 10 free exercise ideas with you!
Working out and getting in shape is good for us. We know that. But it can be hard on our bank accounts.
Gym fees, traveling to classes, joining programs – it all adds up!
There are lots of ways to work out for free, though!
10 Free Exercise Ideas

Let’s get right to it! Try one or a few of these ideas to find what works best for you!
Make a plan of what exercises you want to do this week.
1. Pinterest Work out Plans
Search Pinterest for work out plans and you will see a ton of infographics, quick plans, and links to videos.
I save a lot of the infographics to my Pinterest work out plan board, and quickly scroll through to find a free workout to do.
You can get specific about what kind of work out you want, like arms or abs, or even low impact exercises.

2. YouTube work out videos
YouTube is such a great resource to learn new things, including free exercise ideas!
Search for work out videos and follow along with the instructor!
3. Walk around your neighborhood
We are so lucky to live on a few acres of land, and I have been loving going for a walk around the back of our property every morning.
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4. Walk your dog
Having a dog waiting and excited to go walk with you will encourage you to get out of the door.

5. Go hiking.
Check around and look for great hiking spots around you.
Take a picnic and enjoy a day exploring parks around you and being in nature.
6. Ride bikes.
I’ll be perfectly honest here. I do not enjoy riding bikes. Something about running into a tree when I was a kid.
But, you may love it! If you have a bike, go out for a ride.
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7. Go for a swim.
Swimming is great exercise, but often feels like just pure fun! Do some laps before you lay down on a float and work on your tan.
8. Find friends to walk or work out with.
Ask your friends, family members, or neighborhood friends if they would like to walk with you or do quick workouts together.
They may have a work out video you can do together, or just walk around the neighborhood together.
It’s great to have someone to hold you accountable to working out and also make it more enjoyable.

9. Listen to work out podcasts.
Search for a podcast that motivates you and helps you work out.
I’m more of a visual person, but there is a running podcast I want to try that I think would be easy to follow along with.
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10. Follow a fitness blogger.
Find a blogger you trust and follow their site and social media feeds for free work out plans.
Bonus Idea:
Not totally free, but much cheaper than a gym membership. Get workout videos for cheap at yard sales or online. Buy them once, and use them over and over again.
Or dig out your old tapes! No shame in rocking out like it’s 1980 again!
Just do a little research and make sure you will like the program. My favorite is Look Better Naked. Weird title I know, but it’s a great 30-40 minute all over workout.

Decide when you are going to work out and make time for it. If you feel like you don’t have any time, consider taking a quick walk at lunch or a 15 minute walk in the morning.
However you decide to work out, I hope you will remember these 10 free exercise ideas to save yourself some money.
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There are many ways to get in shape without spending a lot of money. You just need to find the right one for you.
And the right exercise idea may be a combination of a few of the ideas above. Don’t limit yourself to the same thing every day, or you may get burned out.
My favorites are hiking with my dog around our land, and doing free workout plans on Pinterest.
Go make your free work out plan for the week!
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